Cluster Farms Activities
Phase 1
German-Thai Cooperation Project
to Promote the Sustainable Development of Cluster Farms in Thailand

Despite Thailand's transition from an agriculture-based economy to an emerging market, a significant portion of the working-age population still relies on the agricultural sector for income. However, low productivity and efficiency on two-thirds of agricultural land have led to insufficient profit margins and high levels of farmer indebtedness. To address this, the Thai Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives introduced the 'Agriculture 4.0' concept in its 20-year strategic development plan (2017–2036). This initiative aims to provide farmers with modern technologies, know-how, and financial support, encouraging the formation of 'Clusterfarms' to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and secure markets.
In line with this vision, the Thai Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) and the German Ministry of Food and Agriculture have initiated the 'German-Thai Cooperation Project to Promote the Sustainable Development of Cluster Farms in Thailand.' Launched in September 2020, this project seeks to implement the Agriculture 4.0 concept, fostering sustainable and market-oriented growth in the Thai agricultural sector. The project has completed its closing on 31 December 2023.
8 Cluster Farms with 4 different Lead Crops
in 8 Districts in 4 Provinces had been selected as Pilots for the Project.
The Project develops, implements and tests a new concept for the further development of the agricultural extension service for Clusterfarms in cooperation with Pilot-Clusterfarms in different provinces. The result of the implementation will be monitored and evaluated, and the concept adopted depending on the results of the evaluation. At the end of the 1 phase the developed extension concept will be evaluated under the perspective of the possibility to establish it or parts of it as a nationwide concept for the extension service for Clusterfarms in Thailand.

Key Activities

Entrepreneurship Workshops
Seven out of the eight Pilot-Clusterfarms have registered as a Limited Company or Partnership Limited. To enhance their entrepreneurial management, the Project conducted workshops on Entrepreneurship in November. Participants defined services provided by the Cluster farm, assessed strengths and weaknesses, and developed a business proposal for future activities. The Project Team will continue to support their development.

Farmer Exchange Meeting 2022
In October, representatives from all 8 Pilot Clusterfarms of the Project convened at the Cassava Pilot-Clusterfarm in Dan Khun Thod District, Nakon Ratchasima Province, to share experiences and discuss future improvements. The Manager from the Pilot Clusterfarm at Phu Kiao District presented the development of a Robot-Sprayer for sugarcane fields, while other Clusterfarms discussed efforts to enhance their Learning Centers, access new markets, and improve soil quality. The Project continues to support these initiatives.

Study Tour to Germany
The project had organized in June 2022 a Study Tour to Germany for representatives of its Pilot-Clusterfarms. The focus had been on showcasing and discussing the various forms of corporations of German farmers for organizing field work and marketing of their products. The Tour program also include a visit of the DLG Field Days, located close to Mannheim.

Cluster Farms - Exhibitor Exchange
AGRITECHNICA ASIA in its third edition is an agricultural exhibition that covers all of Asia by focusing on Asia’s largest agricultural buyers from across the region.
The Project linked Clusterfarms to agribusiness companies participating at the AGRITECHNICA to support the exchange of knowledge and access to modern technology and services.

Project Review Meeting
On 30 and 31 of August 2023 the participants from the Pilot Clusterfarms and DOAE extension staff from 4 Provinces of the German Thai Cooperation Project gathered at Nakhon Ratchasima to share their experiences working on the improvement of the Cluster farms Management and crop production.
Each of the Pilot-Clusterfarms had prepared a video on their journey with the German Thai Corporation Project, their learnings from the cooperation and plans for further improvements to share with the fallow Cluster farms and DOAE Extension service.

Workshop on Linking Production to Marketing for Cluster Farm Farmers
On 9 of November 2023 the Thai- German Cooperation Project together with Department of Agriculture Extension (DOAE) organized a training for DOAE staff from headquarters and all 77 provinces (100 onsite and 154 online) a total of 254 peoples, following the policy of "Leading markets, additional innovations, increasing incomes", with speakers with market knowledge and ability from both the government sector , the private sector (CP Extra Public Company Limited and Thai Aggro Exchange Company Limited), and cluster farm farmers who are successful in marketing.